New Jersey Workshop

Whilst New jersey was not the biggest workshop I have presented, it was one of the most enjoyable.

Andy Rosenfarb’s comments best sum up a great weekend.

‘ Having Alan come out to New Jersey was a true gift‚Ķ and ‚Äúheaps of fun.‚Äù We managed to balance work and play quite well. We toured New York City, had a few suds at McSorley‚Äôs, and then on to a great Mexican dinner in Greenwich Village. We had a fabulous time ‚Äúpeople watching‚Äù at the ever-entertaining Colorado Cafe in Watchung, New Jersey.

Alan presented a fascinating and eye opening seminar on the TJM Classics. It was more than your typical ‚ÄúAcu-tainment‚Äù workshop. There was concrete introductory theory and useful practical applications – a few of which I took right back to my clinic on the following Monday.

Thank you Alan for taking the time to come to our little corner of the globe, and sharing your knowledge. We loved having you and learned much! ”

Thanks Andy

Workshop Venue, Clinic of Andy Rosenfarb L.Ac

Andy’s Watchung Clinic

Monique and Robert sampling the Mulberries

A Successful Acupuncturist’s Motor

Very Big Flags

Heading south to Point Pleasant Beach on the Jersey Shore

Hope all is well in your world,


About Alan

Alan Jansson is an internationally recognized teacher and practitioner of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. As a staunch advocate of practically based workshops, Alan draws upon his 35 years clinical experience and 23 years post and undergraduate teaching. Alan has presented, convened and hosted more than 70 Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshops in Australia, Europe, and USA.


  1. […] Healthy Living wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptWorkshop Venue, Clinic of Andy Rosenfarb L.Ac. Andy‚Äôs Watchung Clinic. Monique and Robert sampling the Mulberries. A Successful Acupuncturist‚Äôs Motor. Very Big Flags. Heading south to Point Pleasant Beach on the Jersey Shore … […]

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