Welcome, I'm writing this post on a pristine winters morning at Rainbow Bay on the Gold Coast, Australia. I traveled south seeking surf on the weekend and was fortunate enough to pick up a few relatively deserted waves at Broomes Head on Sunday and followed that up with a few quiet ones on the … [Read more...]
Japanese Acupuncture V Dry Needling
I write this post on this significantly wet winter morning, the ocean continues to rage with wind torn waves and whitewater exploding randomly, relentlessly pounding the foreshore. This week I presented two very different workshops, one for the physiotherapists with whom I work in Brisbane, the … [Read more...]
Japanese Acupuncture and Sterilization
Please read my reply to a pertinent question regarding sterilization and Japanese Acupuncture from Mark in Tennessee. Greetings Mark, Thank you for your continued interest and commitment to the practice of Traditional Acupuncture. I hope all goes well for you and yours. I can only answer your … [Read more...]
Japanese Acupuncture and Severe Pain
Greetings one and all, A very happy patient recently reported that Japanese Acupuncture significantly relieved her severe lower back, hip & neck pain, resolved her diabolical sleep pattern and restored her sense of well-being in only 3 treatments ! Chris first attended Acupuncture clinic on … [Read more...]
A Skeptic Doctor Endorses Acupuncture
Post courtesy of Vitalis Skiauteris, Acupuncturist from Auckland, New Zealand specialising in acupuncture for infertility and IVF . Medical researcher Dr Shaun Holt used to belong to New Zealand skeptic society, an organisation known for being critical of acupuncture. Dr Holt reviewed a lot … [Read more...]
Japanese Acupuncture for Severe Hangover
What an extraordinary couple of weeks it has been! Once again I have been challenged on the virtual front. Clinically however, it has been a very rewarding period with many challenges and some positive treatment outcomes. On Monday I treated Vivian who had a few extra champagnes on the previous … [Read more...]
Japanese Acupuncture for Health and Vitality
Hello , I hope you and yours are enjoying good health and soaking up some of our new found spring warmth. Have you or do you know someone who has been suffering with or struggling to recover from a bout of the flu? If Traditional Japanese Acupuncture is effective for elite athletes under immense … [Read more...]
Japanese Acupuncture and Deep Vein Thrombosis
G'Day, Hope all is well in your world. Whilst the video in this post concerns Japanese Acupuncture treatment to assist Neville's recovery from adult onset Chickenpox and subsequent Deep Vein Thrombosis, it is with awareness and respect for the strength and power of orthodox medicine and … [Read more...]
Japanese Acupuncture Relieves Severe Flu Symptoms
Greetings, I hope all is well in your world today. This video shows the Japanese Acupuncture treatment I used to relieve the severe Flu symptoms that Efrat had been enduring for the past 72hrs. Symptoms included overwhelming lethargy, body aches and severe, persistent, debilitating 24/7 headaches … [Read more...]