2nd image in a sequence showing Junji Mizutani’s sublime moxibustion skills

Tonetskyu used in conjunction with platform moxibustion, all eloquently captured by the 'eye in the sky'

World Acupuncture crew, Andrew Beencke, Adam McIntosh and Alan Jansson post Sunday night AGM ready to head off to Junji sensei's workshop

Takashi Furure, translator and key man of the Traditional Japanese Acupuncture Study Group in Australia loved the workshop
Awesome workshop, I learned heaps.
The survival of the ‘artistic heart n soul’ of our medicine relies so much on the demonstration of the finesse and skill of master practitioners in action.
Domo Arigato, Junji sensei, Greg and John.
Instructional DVD by Junji Mizutani is available here
Highly recommended for the serious student of moxibustion.
Alan Jansson is an internationally recognized teacher and practitioner of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. For well over a decade, independent of and in conjunction with Masakazu Ikeda sensei and Edward Obaidey, Alan has presented, convened and hosted more than 40 Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshops in Australia, New Zealand and USA. Driven by a strong desire to promote the consumer friendly nature, clinical efficacy and potency of Meridian Based Traditional Japanese Acupuncture, Alan is a staunch advocate of practically based workshops and draws upon his 25 years clinical experience and 14 years post and undergraduate teaching in a concerted effort to lift the bar globally in the clinical application of this most amazing medical art.
Join him in Exploring the Art of Acupuncture in the 21st century at http://www.Worldacupuncture.com
I had such a nourishing time at this workshop.
It has provided me with more confidence and eduation on the large number of conditions that this style of moxibustion can treat.
Thank you to all involved.
Aye Nadja, I 2nd that sentiment.
Hope all goes well.
that looks like it was incredibly inspiring and practical! and i love seeing greg bantick in the mix–as soon as i spied him in the pic, i knew it was him, tho’ it’s been years since he was my instructor at pcom. what a great weekend you all must have had!
Yes indeedy Sarica, it was a lot of fun and I learned heaps.
Greg is at his legendary best and we are very grateful for his return to our shores.
Hope you and the family are well n happy.
Hoping to make it back to the states next year.
All the best,
It is a very intresting information/
Delighted you found it so Basia, thanks for subscribing to our updates.
All the Best,
So beautiful. It reminds me to use moxa more in my practice.