Thomas Quealey | |
Traditional Acupuncture, The Master, The Mentor and a Teacher or Two
To All
I have known Alan since 1995 where he taught acupuncture at The Australian Institute of Applied Sciences (AIAS), in Queensland. Alan has greatly influenced me, not only as a mentor and teacher of acupuncture but his burning desire to advocate the superior style of acupuncture; known as Traditional Japanese Medicine.
This wonderfully powerful treatment regime greatly influenced my style of acupuncture. Alan is the Director of the Institute of Classical Oriental Medicine in Queensland where I was fortunate to be exposed to Traditional Japanese Medicine. Alan’s treatment portfolio has taught me advanced needling techniques, meridian & abdominal palpation, advanced pulse diagnosis & observation, shiatsu, To netsu kyu, Chi netsu kyu, Bo Kyu & Kyu To Shin moxibustion. He not only taught me these powerful treatment regimes but facilitated my exposure to Masakazu Ikeda Sensei, whom I believe has greatly influenced the continued refinement and development of Japanese Acupuncture. 10 years of Ikeda Sensei workshops wholeheartedly organized by Alan have greatly benefited not only myself but many other acupuncturists , all of us were honored to be in the presence of such a master of acupuncture. Thank you Alan for your continuing efforts in developing acupuncture .
Kindest Regards
Thomas Quealey BHSA BHSN RN Adv Acup TCHM Adv Life Support ERNI RREC.
Nov 15, 1:02 AM
Andy Rosenfarb | | |
I’ve almost completed the DVD’s you sent me on Ikeda Sensei’s workshop. The information presented is nothing short of spectacular!
I have never taken formal extensive education on Traditional Japanese Medicine (TJM), because I was reluctant to learn what I percieved to be a “totally different system” of acupuncture. I figured that since I was getting great results already, why do something different?
Sensei’s approach to examination and practical treatment applications have been very easy to learn and integrate into my existing practice of classical TCM. In just a few short weeks, I have applied the clinical strategies of hara diagnosis and meridian palpation (all new to me) and gained insights into various cases that I had become somewhat stuck on. It truly shed new light!
Ikeda Sensei has clearly outlined the some of most common (13 or so), mixed OM disease patterns – something that I hadn‚Äôt really looked at in the past.
I see Sensei’s teachings as en evolutionary step in the way of OM. I am truly grateful to you for your persistence in making sure that I get this invaluable information.
For me, what I have learned so far from Sensei (and Eddie) has helped me to advance my higher purpose as an OM practitioner – that is to be the best doctor I can be.
Thank you!
Richard | |
I had an interesting convo at reception in the QSMC this morning…
I saw an old school friend and asked him what he was up to, he said, “I use all the clinics here… Physio, Massage and Pilates”
“Why don’t u try Acupuncture?” I asked
“I was thinking about it…” he said “because I’ve had the ‘dry-needling’ with the Physio’s and I wondered what the rest of it all could do for me,”
This comment makes me think… Maybe it’s a good thing for other modalities to be picking up acupuncture techniques, because these guys are using the needles out of context (i.e the whole paradigm of Traditional Oriental Medicine), and people instinctively prefer the real McCoy over an non-genuine rip-off. Therefore, all the other (non-Traditional practitioners) that are taking up Acupuncture are in effect promoting it’s powerful efficacy, but at the same time they are conceding that they don’t understand all of the art and science behind it.
And the end of the day, I think its safe to say that Acupuncture is more powerful than still many people give it credit for, and we are now experiencing a massive awakening in public consciousness that can only be beneficial for the ones that have put in the hard, long hours in college and clinic becoming familiar with the subtle healing energies which are at the core of Traditional Acupuncture.
Adam Gries | | awakeningshealthinstitute,org
In regards to your article about the treatment of anxiety with a LU deficient/ LV excess presentation: why did you needle GV 10 and not use rice grain on it. I am assuming the associated point was tender on palpation and I thought rice grain is usually used in that region to alleviate the heat in the chest area associated with anxiety. Nice work, Adam
Nov 25, 6:40 PM
Tash Dowling | |
Hey Al,
I am enjoying your shared clinical experience very much, it rocks on the support front, Thanks!
On the topic of pregnancy…a client of mine who had her little girl 2 months ago was born with a strawberry hemangioma on her right pinky toe. It is a birthmark that initially distorted the pinky toe. Now 2 months down the track of life the toe is very puffy and red, full of blood, but no longer distorted(which is great, as the doctor was was aiming at cutting it off…mmm.)My thoughts are to take a few drops of blood from the toe, hoping to ease the swelling and pressure from it….any ideas out there would be much appreciated. Thanks…Tashi
Dec 5, 5:32 PM
Alan Jansson | |
Hi Tash,
Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.
I think it would be ok/good to bleed a couple of drops from the little one’s affected toe.
Just make sure hygiene is optimal, of course.
I did this very successfully on my children when they were very young.
Different condition (Lung), results were nothing short of brilliant.
Have a good one Tash ,
Please update us on the clinical outcome.
Dec 5, 10:10 PM
Dec 7, 12:16 AM —
More like a jab in the light than a stab in the dark.
Thanks for your question.
Kind Regards,
Dec 7, 12:46 AM