Apprehensive newbie patient reports on 2nd acupuncture treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome

Dear Alan:
Thank you for your e-mail.

Actually,on Monday, my acupuncture practitioner said something that was really important and relevant for both you and I.

She was asking me how long I was having symptoms, and it turned
I was having them for a long time without knowing what they were,
i.e. a “bruised” feeling in the palm of my hand, like I had just caught
a baseball, etc.

She then said that the cure would have been a lot easier and quicker
if treatment had started then.

So, perhaps what good has come out of this is that maybe you should
be doing some articles or videos about “recognizing CTS before it’s too
late,” or something. Newsletter or etc. feature.

Maybe some assessments on your website?

Being as tightly wound as I am, btw, once again, after the treatment,
I decided not to work at night and, once again, had the most amazing
sleep Monday night.

My reply…..

All the best with treatment, I am sure the benefit will be cumulative.

The quality of our sleep is tantamount to our good health.
Your response to treatment is directly reflected in the improved quality of your sleep, great sign!

One thing you can do to assist your sleep is to simply soak your feet in hot water prior to retiring for the night.
Definitely worth the effort, takes some of the heat out of the chest, neck, shoulders and head.

I use a basic breathing technique to help me to unwind and relax.
It is simple and very effective, helping me to enjoy a 40 minute siesta every working day.
Breathe is our primary source of energy.
We sure don’t last long without it!

You are welcome to Skype me.
It will take 3 minutes max. for me to explain how you can put more rock in your roll, anytime you want.

Appreciate your feedback and encouragement greatly, thank you. Hope your acupuncture treatment continues to deliver positive results.
Kind Regards,


About Alan

Alan Jansson is an internationally recognized teacher and practitioner of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. As a staunch advocate of practically based workshops, Alan draws upon his 35 years clinical experience and 23 years post and undergraduate teaching. Alan has presented, convened and hosted more than 70 Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshops in Australia, Europe, and USA.

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