Japanese Acupuncture benefits victims of the Chilean earthquake

Japanese acupuncture was used to benefit victims of the Chilean earthquake earlier this year.

How did this come to pass?

In my practice of Japanese acupuncture I am invariably accompanied by a student/assistant during treatment.

There are three good reasons.

1. Most important being that the patient benefits from the students/assistants focus and intention.

2. The student/assistant has a wonderful opportunity to observe an experienced practitioner in action, learn the medicine in a clinical setting and most importantly witness the clinical outcomes.

3. As a senior practitioner it gives me a wonderful opportunity to pass on some of the invaluable clinical experience accumulated over more than 25 years of practice.

Sylvia, my Chilean student/assistant and now practitioner has worked in my clinic a lot over the past 3 years and as a result of a visit to her family in Santiago she found herself in a position to help some victims of the devastating Chilean earthquake earlier this year.

Following is the how, why and when she was able to do so, hope you enjoy!

To start I wish you a warm welcome  from Rainbow Bay on the Gold Coast, Australia.

Sunset and Play at Rainbow Bay, Australia

Sunset, Rainbow Bay, Australia

More Play at Rainbow Bay

I have one ear on the US Masters golf championship that is currently coming to life on my television.

I cannot help but marvel at the incredible skill of these competitors.

Having played a lot of golf in my life I can truly appreciate the incredibly refined skill that these talented athletes have at their disposal.

Skills that are continually honed by much focused practice and competition in elite tournaments of which the US Masters along with the British Open rank supreme.

The mental acumen and emotional balance required to compete successfully at this level must be extraordinary.

In Japanese acupuncture we pride ourselves on continually developing and refining our clinical skills whilst expanding our understanding of the diagnostic protocols that have proven to be clinically effective for over 3000 years.

Perhaps practicing refined Japanese acupuncture can be likened to playing professional golf, in that the more focused the practice, the more often the practice, the more specific the treatment, the more relaxed the practitioner and patient, the more likely a successful clinical outcome.’

This is very different to bunging in a needle with gay abandon and little understanding of the incredibly intricate energetic network into which we are plugging, the human being!

Sylvia’s story about her work with victims of the Chilean earthquake is especially uplifting for me and confirms a strongly held belief that teaching can go hand-in-hand with clinical practice not only to the benefit of those present during treatment but as students/assistants create their own practices they have a significant head start in their understanding and application of Japanese Acupuncture to the ultimate benefit of the patients.

Here is Sylvia’s story:

Dear Alan,

It was so good too see you this Tuesday, I love going to Clinic!!

Well as you know I went to Chile this last December, unfortunately or fortunately depending on one’s perspective I had to live the big experience of a huge Earthquake!

The massive amount of energy coming out of the earth moved our lives into introspective questions of what really matters in this life.

3 days after the earthquake, having had huge repercussions (after shocks) every single day, my good friend of Maria Cecilia Huerta and I have the fantastic idea to help people with FREE JAPANESE ACUPUNCTURE!!!

Cecilia found a location down in the Gym area of her building, so we set up one massage table and 3 mattresses on the ground.

Everything was looking great but we were in need of patients.

Thanks to the lovely public relations of my friend Cecilia we treated 15 people a day for 3 days.

The majority of the treatments where to do with sleeping disorders, feeling extremely scared, panic attacks, muscle aches, headaches and stomach disorders.

My colleagues will be happy to learn that I was assisted by my young cousin in much the same manner as we help Alan in Clinic.

Everyone loved their Japanese Acupuncture treatment and to a man, woman and child said they felt so much better.

I used lots of Tonetskyu (rice grain moxa) for people with sleeping disorders and in the majority of cases we did both front and back treatments.

Root treatments changed depending upon the patient’s primary deficiency and related excess/es, lots of Liver def. and excess in the Pericardium and Stomach meridians.

The main thing is that all the people we treated with Japanese Acupuncture loved it!!!

I’m so happy that I could help with my small knowledge and I know that will grow with the years beside Alan in clinic.

Thanks Alan for being the medium as I prayed for your presence to be with me through those days, also big thanks to these beautiful studies from the classics.

My experience in Santiago in February this year proved to me and the recipients that Japanese Acupuncture is not only magic, there is logic behind the medicine and thousands of years of clinic experience to help us became better practitioners.

Thanks for your time, to hear this story, and I hope that everyone is smiling!!!
Lots of love,


Alan Jansson, Sylvia Flores Larrain and Adam McIntosh

Sylvia’s story is yet another reason why I love what I do with a passion!

All the Best,


Alan Jansson is an internationally recognized teacher and practitioner of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture.  For well over a decade, independent of and in conjunction with Masakazu Ikeda sensei and Edward Obaidey, Alan has presented, convened and hosted more than 40 Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshops in Australia, New Zealand and USA. Driven by a strong desire to promote the consumer friendly nature, clinical efficacy and potency of Meridian Based Traditional Japanese Acupuncture, Alan is a staunch advocate of practically based workshops and draws upon his 25 years clinical experience and 14 years post and undergraduate teaching in a concerted effort to lift the bar globally in the clinical application of this most amazing medical art.

Join him in Exploring the Art of Acupuncture in the 21st century at: http://www.worldacupuncture.com

About Alan

Alan Jansson is an internationally recognized teacher and practitioner of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. As a staunch advocate of practically based workshops, Alan draws upon his 35 years clinical experience and 23 years post and undergraduate teaching. Alan has presented, convened and hosted more than 70 Traditional Japanese Acupuncture workshops in Australia, Europe, and USA.

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